loose ends of a long year

It's hard to believe that the year is almost over -- and hard for me to believe that after almost seven years of working on my book, After the Fall will be on shelves in just a few weeks. But if that's too long to wait, good news: 

You can read an excerpt on Bustle!

It's not a book that would have been finished without the help of some very dear friends, however, and in the run up to its release, they've been as amazing as always. For example: This past week, I got to reveal four fantastic blurbs from four equally fantastic writers.

(full text for these images can be found on my book page)

I've also been happy to see several positive responses from trade reviewers. Here are a few highlights:

"Hart’s debut novel has a lot going for it—well-defined and believable major and minor characters, in particular—as well as a lot going on. ... Hart holds it all together and closes with an ending that retains a measure of hope without becoming unrealistically perfect." - Publishers Weekly

"Thought-provoking moments regarding such issues as female sexuality, racial microaggressions, and class differences add depth to the characters." - Booklist

"At first, this title seems like a well-written examination of the definitions of assault and consent. But as a relationship blossoms between Raychel and Matt’s brother, Andrew, questions about communication and honesty emerge even more strongly, and after a family tragedy, grief and guilt are also brought into the mix. Those are some pretty heavy themes for one book to explore, but Hart does a good job of handling her ambitious plot. VERDICT: Like Laurie Halse Anderson’s Speak and Courtney Summers’s All the Rage, this is an important novel for teens and adults to discuss together." - School Library Journal


"This memorable debut novel is told in the alternating perspectives of Raychel and Matt. Both characters are very well portrayed as complex characters with strengths and weaknesses. The supporting cast is also well developed, with most characters avoiding the trap of falling into mere stereotypes. The story is well paced, flowing logically towards its conclusion. The ending ties up most issues, but leaves enough open so that the reader knows the characters are going to move on. This book deals with heavy issues concerning sexuality and grief, and as such might be difficult for some readers. Issues of jealousy, relationships, sexual consent, and grief run throughout. This would be an excellent addition to most high school libraries."

Meanwhile, badasses Kelly Jensen and Veronica Roth included me in some stellar book lists, which you should check out if you're still looking for holiday gift ideas: "Feminist Reads" at The Booksmugglers, and a holiday wishlist at Barnes and Noble.

Still need gift ideas? Well, there's always my new Etsy shop (she says, with no shame whatsoever). Or you could check out the latest edition of Shine Along, my monthly-ish newsletter that is about 15% my news, 90% links to cool art and articles, and 100% bad at math. This issue has an exclusive Badass Ladies gift list, plus I curated a collection of awesome online artists. (December's letter isn't in the archive, but if you subscribe I'll make you sure you get a copy.)

I'll be back next week with the final Badass Ladies profile of 2016 (may the year rest in dumpster fire peace), but I'm also finishing up some infographics, plus lining up profiles for 2017 and looking at ways to build that project into something bigger and even better. I hope you'll hang around and see what happens, and thanks for sticking around for the last seven years!